James Hoffmann
The Decaf Project
We are buzzing to be taking part in the Decaf Project, set up by James Hoffmann. A live tasting event on a global scale.
which coffee is it?
Processed in four different ways, each roaster will receive 'La Virgen' from Guadalupe, Colombia. Right next to the Suaza River, Guadalupe is surrounded by lush and fertile lands. Coffee here is grown in the remote highlands surrounding the town, at ideal elevations between 1,400 and 2,000 meters above sea level. A skilled quality analyst carefully evaluates each lot of coffee, while a PECA technician works directly with farmers to improve both quality and sustainability.
whats in the kit?
You can now pre-order the package on our website by clicking on this link. We will then ensure that you have your coffee ready and raring to go by the 15th of December which is when the live tasting will take place!
Using the same bean, James Hoffmann has chosen four different processes for this event - three of which are decaf! Keep scrolling down the page for more information on each process.
It is totally up to you if you would rather 100g, 250g, 500g or 1kg of each of the coffees - perhaps you are looking to take part in this with a friend of a loved one, or perhaps this is a solo adventure. Perhaps you are ordering beans rather than preground coffee, and would like to have enough to adjust for the perfect espresso using your own coffee machine. Either way, simply select from the drop down menu which weight you would like, and how you will be brewing your testers.
If you have found us via this project and are new to Wogan Coffee - hello and thank you! We will be roasting these coffees to 'medium' or 'medium-light' rather than 'light' or 'dark/ more developed'.
What are the four processes?
One of the processes is simply washed - a fully caffeinated version of the Guadalupe.
The second is Coffein Compagnie - Ethyl acetate (EA) decaffeination. Ethyl acetate is used in decaffeination because it is highly selective with respect to caffeine and can physically extract it from green coffee beans in a gentle, but targeted manner.
The second is CR3-Kaffeeveredelung M. Hermsen - CO2 Subcritical Decaffeination. This unique process was developed by CR3 in the late 80s. It uses natural carbon dioxide, under subcritical conditions (i. e. relatively low temperature and pressure), to gently and selectively target caffeine, so as to retain the full taste potential of the green coffee. This process is all organic certified.
The third is Swiss Water® Process. The Swiss Water® Process uses water, temperature, and time to gently remove caffeine, while preserving all the coffee’s original characteristics.
so... what are you waiting for?
Pre-order our package now by clicking on the below button, and send us any questions that you have! Simply email laura@wogancoffee.com and she will be able to fill in any questions that you may have. Once you have your coffees, sit tight and get ready to join in with the live stream on December 15th. We can't wait to experiment with you!
Make sure to head to James Hoffmann's YouTube channel or visit thedecafproject.com for specific timings and details.